online training & hybrid coaching plans
age strong express
2-4 custom workouts /week that build upon one another based on equipment availability & goals sent via Everfit
my FREE intuitive eating guide!
free 30-min consult call
exclusive access to the Aging Strong Community Forum in app
bi-weekly check ins via private in app messaging
nutrition coaching includes:
food edits, portion control & macronutrient education & healthy dining out menu suggestions
age strong hybrid basic
*includes all features in the express plan plus:
access to me via private in-app weekly check-ins during weekday business hours
One 50 min virtual or in person personal fitness training session with me at my home studio in Sausalito
15 min check in call at end of the month
age strong hybrid premium
*includes all features in the express plan plus:
Two 50 min virtual OR in person personal fitness training sessions / month at my home studio in Sausalito
access to me weekly via private in-app weekly check-ins during weekday business hours
what to expect
my online & hybrid coaching programs offer a WHOLE-person fitness & nutrition approach. each program is tailored to meet your individual lifestyle, current habits, barriers, nutrition habits, exercise routine & your overall well being. these programs are hyper customized where no two coaching programs are alike.
we start with a questionnaire, a 2 week intro workout routine in app with form feedback, & we then get started on a personalized plan for you!
online coaching fitness plans include monthly custom workout plans, private in-app messaging with weekly or bi-weekly check ins, macronutrient analysis, food edits & food swaps, dining out tips, & a 12 page free intuitive eating guide!